Showing 6 Result(s)

[In]Convenience and [In]Justice

Recently, I decided that I was spending an absurd amount of time trying to keep track of which of my emails had gotten replies. I went into geek mode and started trying to find a way to get a notification when an email doesn’t get a reply in x amount of time. I tried various …

Audience Development as DEI Initiative: A Beneficial Loop

Every business and nonprofit wants to grow their audience. But, what if audience growth could do more than just increase sales or donations or attendance? Approaching audience development as a Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) initiative can bring great benefits in terms of both audience development and organizational culture. Guiding Questions These questions are …

From Diversity to Inclusion

For a long time, diversity has been a standard to which businesses, organizations, and institutions aspire. The logic goes something like this: if the workforce, board of directors, or audience is demographically varied, then we are being “fair” or “socially responsible” or “effectively serving our community.” The buzz words vary, but the goal is essentially …